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New American Diet - The Good And Bad Of The New American Food Plate

New American Diet - The Good And Bad Of The New American Food Plate

In June 2011, the Ministry of Agriculture (USDA), replaced the "food pyramid" with a "meal", urging Americans to have a plant-based diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and proteins lean, fat-free or 1% milk.

At first glance, this dish food already leaps forward in 1992 and 2005 food pyramids. This is not a pyramid but a plate of food,New American Diet which is much easier to visualize the dinner table. Power Plate stands out more than the grains should be the majority of your diet and increasing the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables half your plate New American Diet.

However,New American Diet the meal is far from a perfect eating plan that promotes optimal health. If you try to follow the guidelines of the power board, you should be aware of their limitations discussed below New American Diet.

Disappeared Fat

The whole group is virtually no fat in this new board to adopt a low-fat diet. Apart from a small amount of protein and low-fat dairy products fine,New American Diet it is recommended that additional fat.

On one hand,New American Diet the fat is essential to many body functions. Humans can not survive without dietary fat, particularly essential fatty acids like omega 3 and 6, which can not be produced by the body and must be obtained from food. Dietary fat:

help keep you full and even his fluctuating blood sugar New American Diet,
are necessary for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), and minerals,
are the building blocks of cell membranes and various hormones,
serve as energy New American Diet storage for the body,
play a vital role in maintaining healthy skin and hair
which is required for normal brain function.
The power board does not mention one of these healthy fats or warning against eating New American Diet unhealthy.

Healthy Fats

Unlike conventional boards,New American Diet organic saturated fat, grass-fed animals (meat, butter and dairy products) are actually good for you. Recent long-term studies show no evidence that saturated fats lead to a higher risk of heart disease. However, keep in mind that conventional animal saturated fats are raised much lower quality,New American Diet as they are often injected with hormones and antibiotics, which tend to accumulate in fatty tissues.
The monounsaturated fat in olive oil and avocados. Since olive oil has a low smoke point, which limits its use in salads and cooking on New American Diet medium heat.
Fatty acids, fatty fish caught in clear water, clean omega-3. Wild caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, herring, anchovies and fish with minimal levels of mercury.
Omega 6 fatty acids of raw nuts and seeds.New American Diet Raw nuts are better than roasted nuts as fat in nuts are fragile by nature and tend to become rancid at high temperatures.
Bad fats

Trans fats in processed New American Diet foods and fried foods like French fries, fried chicken, donuts, cookies, cakes and cookies. This type of fat instead of saturated fats raise LD ("bad") cholesterol, low HD ("good") cholesterol clogs the arteries and causes an increased risk of heart disease.
Refined oils from corn, soybeans, canola,New American Diet safflower and sunflower. These oils have been processed at high temperatures and are almost stale. Also, more corn, soybeans and canola derived from GM crops have been widely treated with pesticides.
Not your healthy choice low fat dairy New American Diet.

Unfortunately, on the basis of erroneous information that saturated fat is bad for you, the new plate of food recommends Americans consume low-fat dairy products and fats information New American Diet.

Numerous studies have shown that fat organic dairy products, in particular the raw version, are actually good for you New American Diet.

Research shows that milk fat may help reduce the risk of many diseases:

Diabetes. Amitotic acid in milk fat protects against insulin resistance and reduces the risk of diabetes New American Diet.
Heart disease. Results amitotic acid in healthy levels New American Diet of blood cholesterol and inflammatory markers.
Cancer. Conjugated linoleum acid (UCLA) in milk fat was reduced tumor growth and reduces the risk of cancer.
Weight control. A 9-year study of 19,000 weight average the average age,New American Diet found that those who consumed at least one serving of milk fat per day gained 30% less weight than women who do not have women.
The best kind of dairy products

The sound is, dairy, low-fat dairy products from raw organic grass-fed animals. Raw milk does not go through pasteurization and homogenization.

Pasteurization is a process of heating milk to a high temperature for a short time then immediately cooled. This process destroys enzymes,New American Diet vitamins B, B and vitamin C, kills bacteria and denature proteins in milk fragile.

Homogenization New American Diet is a process which breaks the fat globules of milk by forcing it through a series of screens to high pressure, so that they become the same particle size as the rest of the milk. The resulting fat particles become so small that they remain in suspension rather than rise to the surface of the milk New American Diet.

Some studies have shown that homogenization causes fat more susceptible to oxidation and rancidity of fats and homogenized may be a major contributor to heart disease.

Your next best choice is organic cow's milk,New American Diet pasteurized but not homogenized.

For more information on dairy products, please go to if they consume dairy products nonfat or low-fat?

Fruits also

The new plate of food suggests making half of the fruits and vegetables of the plate. Stressing more vegetables is certainly a step in the right direction, however,New American Diet making it almost the same amount of fruit vegetables is probably too much for many people.

It is true that fruits are a good source of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, but the fruits are also rich in fruit sugar, or fructose New American Diet. Fructose is metabolized differently from glucose. (Sugar is 50% glucose, 50% fructose.)

All the load falls to metabolize fructose in the liver, whereas glucose, the liver breaks down only 20%. In addition, every cell in the body uses glucose,New American Diet so unless you consumed in excess, is burned by the body.

Fructose, on the other hand, becomes fat (VELD and triglycerides) and deposited along the body.New American Diet Over consumption of fructose has a significant impact on your health. This leads to:

Weight gain, abdominal obesity, increased LD ("bad") cholesterol, low HD ("good cholesterol"), triglycerides (blood fats), blood sugar and high blood pressure - classic metabolic syndrome.
The disease AFL New American Diet.
Insulin resistance. One in three Americans have insulin resistance, which includes pre-diabetics and diabetics diagnosed and undiagnosed.
Elevated uric acid (which is related to gout, kidney stones, kidney disease, high blood pressure or heart disease) and chronic inflammation in New American Diet the body.
Knowing this, it is prudent to eat more fruit, especially fruit juices. For those who are resistant to insulin, the fruit should be avoided all together, but instead of eating lots of vegetables on the ground. You get the same vitamins, antioxidants and without the negative effects New American Diet of fibers fructose.

How to know if you are insulin resistant? You can get a blood test the fasting insulin levels and see if it is greater than 5 UI / ml. If you are overweight, have diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol,New American Diet it is a reasonable bet that you can have a resistance to insulin.

Eat more vegetables CLEANING

A good choice for your health is significantly increasing its consumption of vegetables (except corn and potatoes). However,New American Diet keep in mind that many vehicles are loaded with pesticides that are carcinogenic and harmful to the immune, endocrine and nervous.

For these vehicles,New American Diet you should definitely buy organic products that maintain high levels of pesticides:

Green beans
Green Onions
Less Grains

The new plate of food grain consumption recommended by 30% of your diet and suggest doing at least half of their grains.New American Diet This is a great improvement over previous food pyramids grains recommended for most of their diet. However, since two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, eat more grains is the last thing you want to lose weight.

Many people are still deluded that "good" carbohydrates known as cereals or whole fruit does not make you fat. The truth is that it is whole grain, sprouted grains or refined grains, all grains break down into sugar.New American Diet On consumption of all grains or fruits will lead to insulin resistance and weight gain.

Bottom line

Be sure to include some healthy fats in your diet. Saturated include grass-fed animals, monounsaturated olive oil and avocados, omega-3 fat trapped water fish clean and clear and omega-6 raw nuts and seeds.
Best Raw milk fat of grass-fed animals. Second best is organic, pasteurized but not homogenized milk.
Regular consumption of fruits and cereals, whole or refined, can lead to insulin resistance, weight gain, and many chronic diseases.
Eat plenty of fresh vegetables.

New American Diet - The Good And Bad Of The New American Food Plate